Today's P&L: GBP 980.00
Today's Booze: One Litre of Stolychnaya vodka, 750cl of Patron tequila - No point in giving up now.
Today's Soundtrack: All sad songs
I hear the Seven Deadly Sins
And the Terrible Twins came to call on you
The bigger they are babe
The harder they fall on you
And you you're always the same you persevere
On the same old pleasure ground
Oh and it never rains around here
It just comes pouring down
You had no more volunteers
So you got profiteers for to help you out
With friends like that babe
Good friends you had to do without
And now they're taken the chains and the gears
From off your merry-go-round
Oh and it never rains around here
It just comes pouring down
And your new Romeo
Was just a gigolo when he let you down
See the faster they are babe
The faster they get out of town
Leaving make up stains and the tears
Of a clown
Yes and it never rains around here
It just comes pouring down
Oh you were just a roller coaster memory
I don't know why I was even passing through
I saw you making a date with Destiny
When he came around here asking after you
In the shadow of the Wheel Of Fortune
You're busy trying to clear your name
You say ' I may be guilty yeah that may be true
But I'd be lying if I said I was to blame
See we could have been major contenders
We never got no money no breaks '
You're got a list of all the major offenders
You got a list of all their major mistakes
And he's just standing in the shadows
Yes and you smile that come-on smile
Oh I can still hear you say as clear as the day
" I'd like to make it worth your while "
Ah but it's sad reminder
When your organ grinder has to come to you for rent
And all you've got to give him
Is the use of your side-show tent
Yes and that's all that remains of the years
Spent doing the rounds
And I never never rains around here
Well it just comes pouring down
Now you know what they say about beggars
You can't complain about the rules
You know what they are about beggars
You know who's the first to blame his tools
You never gave a damn about who you pick up
And leave laying bleeding on the ground
You screw people over on the way up
Because you thought that you were never coming down
And he takes you out in Vaudeville Valley
With his hand up smothering your screams
And he screws you down in Tin Pan Alley
In the city of a billion dreams
So, the jig is up, finally got some results back from the quacks and I have secondary liver and primary pancreatic cancer. The prognosis isn't great, but nobody is sure, best case they think eighteen months, worst case tonight. Of course they want to hospatilise me but I'll be damned if I spend my last few weeks or months in a hospital. I am dubious when they say this as they have been wrong before and they still can't identify the size or the locations of the lesions on my liver. I have a six millimeter shadow on the left lobe - doesn't sound so bad to me. If it is true, then I can't complain - my life hasn't been that bad. I can't tell my parents. I have put them through too much lately and anyway there was never any chance I would take their offer of a liver transplant. I don't have the same blood group as my mother and my father is just too old. Telling them the bad news will just ruin whatever is left of their lives. I have to hope I live longer than them.
Do I blame the booze? not at all, I have drunk so much in my life, but no one forced it down my throat. I am a grown up, and am willing to take responsibility for my own decisions. I will say that if drinking can damage someone like me then some drinkers out there should watch out. I have a hugely strong constitution, mind you I drank more than most. Sometimes, I didn't even know how much I was drinking but my father claims he once witnessed me drinking eight liters of spirits in one day. I know the day he is talking about. It was a heavy drinking day for me followed by the birthday of one of his friends, down in Spain. Sure I drank a lot but I didn't think it was that much. He says he has never seen anyone drink the way I do. One of my few friends also said that, well he said "you just drink until someone dies" and he came from a long line of Irish alcoholics. I can't hate the booze though, most of my great times have happened when I was slightly drunk. Very few people my age have experienced drinking in a tin shack bar in Lagos and a few years later sharing a cocktail with the ex president of America. - Christ, I am not immortal, what a shocker. I really thought I was.
Still, I will continue to write the dipso diaries as long as I can or as often as I can as The Stalker, who is also terminal is talking about her and I doing a bucket list. The bucket list is a fascinating idea for me as I obviously think I have done everything, any suggestions? There are some things I can't do such as sky diving as the landing would shatter my ankles and I have no time left for rehab. Remember, I have Osteoncrosis. I can't swim very well but one of the things on my provisional list is that going down in a cage to see a great white shark. Don't get all emotional and tell me I should make my peace with my parents or my older brother - that isn't likely to happen. The charity thing, done it. Although nowhere near as much as I should have and nothing compared to the stalker. I wanted to learn how to fly, but I doubt I have time for that.
The Stalker is also unreliable, not her fault, but those years we were apart she had a husband and two children. I wouldn't deny her the right to spend what time she has left with her family. She has prepared for this, after her first diagnosis with cancer she effectively transferred parenting of her children to her husband. As I have learned saying it and doing it are far different things.
Suppose I should also start thinking what to do with the few assets I have left. there is the small house in Windsor and the villa in Spain and I think I still have an apartment in a dodgy area of South East London, but you know it suddenly seems so unimportant. The place in Spain is leased out but I may just liquidate the rest for the funds to spend on the bucket list. The stalker and I don't fly at the back of the plane. I doubt Mastercard or Visa will approve but what am I going to do? Worry about paying my debts? You know, the fight is over - they won, now they can try and reclaim any money I owe them from my ashes.
I'd like to thank anyone who ever read this blog, ok only eleven followers but quite a few anonymous readers. Sorry I didn't have any great insights or that I was really just writing about my own selfish life. One day this blog will dissapear into the internet dust. I was always genuine though, I started writing about my self destruction, just happened quicker than I thought. I am not Elvis or Mozart, I am just a ghost of the man I used to be. The thing that bothers me most is that I didn't do enough with my life. As Tom Cruise would say in Collateral, "Guy gets on the subway and dies. Think anybody'll notice"? And as Truman would say:
In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
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toni, my god, i had no idea it was this bad. if they've been wrong before they could be wrong now too right? and how come they can't identify the size or location?!
ok, i'm going to try not get emotional.
first, the bucket list sounds like a good idea. maybe to offer suggestions you might need to spell out what is it that you absolutely CAN'T do.
secondly, i think everybody believes they are immortal. nobody really thinks they're going to die when we're healthy.
3rd, you do need to make peace with you parents and your brother. and i'm sure your parents would want to know whats going on with you. but then again, what do i know..i'm not in your shoes.
toni, lastly i'm so sorry you're going through what you're going through. i really can't imagine what it would be like. you may think that you never had any great insights but reading your blog always made me put things in perspective in my life. made me want to consider the bigger picture instead of always focusing on the tiny details. so you did have an impact..
don't stop writing. and though i wouldn't know you if i bumped into you in the streets, i truly wish there was something i could do to make you feel better. in some/any way.. :(
Hi Miss Angry, thanks for the kind words. They could be wrong, the reason they have had so much problet with the ultrasound and CT scans is the fluid that I was carrying around in my body. They drained forty two litres out of me but there is still roughly about five to ten litees in my abdomen. I am taking some pretty strong diuretics to get rid of that but I am already looking sort of like I did when I was eighteen years old. Trust me, if you bumped into me on the streets you would say hey its the ghost of young Elvis. One of the side effects is I look quite drawn. As I said my mother couldn't stop crying when she saw me.
The bucket list is a must. In honesty it would be easier to do it alone, but since she is dying as well, why not? Anyway it is the kind of thing you should do with someone else who understands the limitations time places on you. Also, there is a very good chance if left to myself I would wander into a bar and drink until it was all over.
The things I can't do are thinks that will place undue pressure on my knees and ankles. I don't mind broken arms or ribs, but any serious fractures to my ankles will leave me out of the game for too long. The stalker reckons bungee jumping would pull my leg apart, but I have done that already anyway. she hasn't and thats the problem, finding things neither of us have done. She was a housewife for fifteen years.
Toni, as is my habit, before turning in for the night, I log on to my wifi on my Blackberry and see what the other side of the world is up to. Your post has brought tears to me, tears that I willingly let flow as I have been holding back for so long. If the end does come, I will always remember you even though I have never met you. Your frankness speaks to me often and opens my eyes. If I could take your pain away I would but I can't, so I can only offer you the love of a stranger, if you will accept that. Good luck with the bucket list, and I will try to think up something for you to do.
Thanks MJ, but I am not looking for sympathy and didn't meant to upset you, the truth is everyone who knows me knew this was coming. I haven't told anyone yet except this blog and the Stalker. I am not looking forward to telling my mother or my younger brother. The stalker was relatively sanguine about it, in fact she just said "so you are going to die soon, fine. What shall we do about it". I think she is more upset than she lets on, because she thought she was a dead cert to die before me. You must remember for so many years I seemed indestructible. I will understand if she doesn't want to follow through with our plans. Any suggestions for the bucket list will be gratefully recieved.
Toni, I am one of the followers who just silently reads from the sidelines, commenting here and there.. creep you out yet?
I am sorry to hear about the prognosis.. but lets hope they are wrong.. you are one strong person to face this extremely difficult situation with such poise.. sending positive thoughts your way..
Hi Toni,
I'd notice. Definitely.
"Yes and it never rains around here
It just comes pouring down."
It does, doesn't it?
And Annie Lennox is singing No More I Love Yous as I write this.
Hope you're having a happy Tuesday :)
Dear Toni,
For your bucket list, why not go to South East Asia again? You obviously loved it there. You could take it easy with your lovely girlfriend (I know you call her the Stalker but I don't want to) and just enjoy.
I would also open up some communication with your family. You don't have to tell them anything you don't want to but just talking to them when you feel like it would be great for both you and them. Don't let any negative thoughts stop you doing that- parents know their kids and I'm willing to bet they admire your spirit and innate kindness more than you know.
I have my finger and toes crossed for you here as you seem such a strong and fighting spirit and
am sending you lots of good wishes from beautiful Italy.
Euro Anon
I agree with LMA - they got it wrong before, they may be wrong again and on a completely selfish note, they have to be wrong.
Anything else I say at this point will sound trite x
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