Tuesday, 5 October 2010

I Told You I loved You, Now Get Out

Yesterdays P&L: GBP 410.00

Yesterdays Booze: 6 pints of Stella Artois

Yesterdays Soundtrack: Various

These markets are still driving me nuts. The US inflation data just came out following some worse than expected jobs data. Producer Inflation is up to four percent, this will inevitably have an impact on consumer inflation. While all inflation data is the US and UK is rigged the basic numbers don't add up. If inflation is so much higher than interest paid on fixed income bonds and bank accounts, investors real wealth is declining. No wonder the dollar is taking a pounding, (Australian dollar / US dollar parity is a sure thing now). The US finally has painted itself into a corner, it can only fund itself by issuing more debt which lowers the yield on existing debt or by raising interest rates and taxation, which they know will push the economy back into recession as its current anaemic growth is based on huge amounts of economic stimulus. I have always thought that the solution to the financial crisis, which to be fair was the only possible solution because of how late the regulators had waited, was only delaying a later, more severe, economic crash. I hope I am wrong.

The stalker continues to give me a hard time. For someone who thinks I am a dead beat she spends a lot of time on the phone to me. I think I have entered that horrible place no man ever wants to be where she has adopted me as some kind of project. As a rule I am not interested in married women but I can definitely see the benefits of having a relationship with a woman who has a serious partner and can only spare the time to see me for a couple of hours a week.
I was watching a tv show on BBC the other day about Scottish lesbians. Now, I don't have any gay friends as far as I know so I am quite uninformed, however this show was entertaining enough for me to suspect that perhaps its target audience wasn't the lesbian community. It was a bit like the American lesbian show and at least left me with an improved understanding of the sapphic community. The three most important points I learned are; firstly all lesbians are attractive, secondly all lesbians have great jobs. They are either international photographers, architects, renown designers or models - apparently lesbians do not work at supermarket check outs or as low level clerical assistants. Lastly lesbians are always ready for sex, no matter where. While some straight girls maybe too uptight to act on their impulses, all lesbians are happy to have sex in the nearest public toilet or broom cupboard or morgue at the drop of a hat.

Yesterday's music was quite varied, my top five tracks:

Out Of Touch - It's years since I last listened to Hall and Oates, I used to be quite a fan back in the eighties even saw them in concert once. This song reminds me of the eighties so much, in fact I was listening to it on my trusty walkman while I was waiting for my first date with the Italian girl. It seems so funny now, worrying about schoolwork, going for long walks on dates. Going to a bar and only having three or four drinks, her friends telling her that she could do much better, older guys with cars making a pass at your girlfriend. Mind you even then I was drinking too much.

It Was A Very Good Year - Good ol' Frankie. "When I was seventeen, it was a very good year, it was a very good year for small town girls and soft summer nights". A song about growing up, obviously. All Sinatra songs seem to have this bitter sweet flavour to them. Even triumphant songs like My Way and New York, but more so in this track and That's Life. Maybe all the things written about him were right and he did have more connection with the darker side of life than we know.

Justified and Ancient - The KLF are a fascinating band to me, not really a band I guess, more like producers. The White Room was an essential purchase back then. Then there's the bizarre appearance at the Brits, the filmed burning of a block of a million pound notes in Scotland, the guide book to making a number one record, the aborted road movie across the US and the trip to place a painting of Elvis at the most northerly light house so the spirit of Elvis could illuminate the world. The whole cut and paste approach to music seems to be the standard way these days. My memory of this record is sitting at a small beach bar overlooking the sea on a small island in Spain - no other customers, just me it was perfect.

It's Bad, You Know - Old school blues. I don't know much about this artist but I love the song and also the modern remix on The Sopranos. Burnside did time for murder, his defence may not have helped him: "I didn't mean to kill nobody ... I just meant to shoot the sonofabitch in the head. Him dying was between him and the Lord.".

The KKK Took My Baby Away - The Ramones are just one of those bands. I remember them for drunken parties back in the eighties, even back then I was quite a dark brooding character. The good thing about the Ramones is that even if you don't like their song its always over in about two minutes.

In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!

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