Today's P&L: No markets today
Today's Booze: 2 pints of lager, 3 large glasses of red wine
Today's Soundtrack: Music to remember your past to
If any one's interested, I feel like talking about my relationship with the Stalker today. I don't really remember the date I met her although she remembers of course. It was about twenty years ago I guess, around about this time of year, in fact it was a freezing evening and the place was somewhere between Oxford Street and Regent Street. I was drinking a quad Rum and I met her relative, A very sexy but seriously out of control woman. I shared a few drinks with her while she sized me up and decided I wasn't for her but would be suitable for the Stalker. She disappeared for a while and the barman, some Italian guy who clearly thought too much of himself, laughed at me and said she won't come back. I didn't mind as my intention was drinking. However the girl did return with The Stalker. And that's where our relationship began.
The Stalker wasn't like any other woman I had met before. She is the oldest of eleven children and naturally quite assertive. I didn't have any idea how rich she was as true to my character I didn't really ask her too much about her background although in retrospect I should have wondered how come she spent so much money on restaurants and holidays. We had a lot of fun though, back then she used to be fun. She also wasn't easy, she had made some promise to her father that she wouldn't have sex until she was twenty one, so I had to wait but it was worth it. The problem was I treated our relationship like all the other ones I had been in while she was a little more serious. I still remember when she decided enough was enough and she came to my house. She said to me the usual break up bollocks. I hadn't seen it coming, so was somewhat surprised But I still remember saying to her just before she walked out. "fancy having one last fuck for old times sake" - not exactly Clark Gable. Anyway she just walked out and I didn't see her again for nearly five years. Apart from one brief encounter in sometime around ninety four, I guess that was her last fling before getting married.
That next time I saw her I had been in Indonesia and following the riots and the near civil war left the Lunatic behind, I like to spread the disappointment. Actually it wasn't so bad, I did offer the Lunatic the chance to escape with me but it was never going to happen her family had lots of money and had a plane to fly them to Singapore. I went out for a drink or two with the Stalker in the West End, By then I had not worked for some time but managed to get some consultancy work. I never heard from the Stalker again But The Lunatic used to phone me for about three hours almost every night.
Anyway, I made a bit of money and decided to go back to visit the Lunatic. It was one of those dramatic fly by night gestures that I am inclined to make. I arranged to finish my contract and flew from New York to Bangkok then down to Singapore and then Indonesia, it was her birthday so it seemed like the right thing to do although it cost me plenty of money. Anyway this isn't about the Lunatic, that story has a post all of its own. After a few years and a couple of major injuries The Lunatic and I finally separated permanently. Anyway I then managed to get some more consultancy work in London and that's where I met the Princess. The Princess is unusual in my history of women by being ten years younger than me. She was studying in London and working in a restaurant I visited three or four times a week. She knew I was going back to live in Bangkok but as usual I didn't ask a great deal about her background. Turned out she was quite the society girl and surprise, surprise I am not the ideal son in law. Anyway, her and I had a reasonable relationship for a few years until I got injured quite severely. Initially I thought I would get my legs fixed and be back in a few months so I paid for my apartment for another year. My injuries were much worse and after a while she moved to Tokyo and found someone else.
The end of the story is after my brother urged me to open a facebook account so I could maintain contact with him. The Stalker came across my name, and got in touch with me. At first I didn't think it was her, but after a while we arranged to meet on my birthday. I didn't turn up as I thought she wasn't serious, and after all those years and I knew she had been married, so she tried again and we met up at Waterloo Station. It is so odd seeing someone you know so well after so many years. After all that time we were both the same, she and I flirted a little and spoke as if we were two caged animals circling each other. Of course things have changed, Don't they always? She and I have both experienced so much in our time apart. And we are both so screwed up. The funny thing is to me, even though she can see how broken down I am, to me she looks almost exactly the same as she did when she was twenty. The only difference is the look in her eyes, she has been told she was dying twice, three times for me so I am the winner there. The difference between her and I is that she always fights, but I am just tired of it all.
Its quite funny, even after all these years and in our reduced circumstances, we still get along at least some of the time. I know she hates me but that's healthy enough, I can't stand all this we are not just husband and wife but best friends crap. We don't need to be best friends, and it really is better that way. She has a whole other life with her friends, they do and talk about things I am less than interested in. So she met up with me after I had seen the doctor. For once it was good news, unexpectedly she said my blood levels had almost returned to normal, just clotting remains an issue. My knee is fucked but she gave me an x-ray appointment for that. I am not so worried about broken bones, that's a pain I am used to. The Stalker looked great when she turned up. She rarely wears make-up when meeting me But she had been out with some friends and she looked fantastic. I was talking to three girls when she arrived but she wasn't too bothered, she knows I don't go for blondes anyway. Anyway we went and got something to eat and had a good night, so much so she returned two days later for a rematch. I still love it when she tells me how much she hates me, don't know what she gets out of it. In an interlude she told me that so far every member of my family that she has met has warned her about me and my father even described me as a liability - Bastard!
Today's music, my top five tracks:
Missing You - John Waite. A great song for us eighties boys. "I spend my time thinking about you, and its almost driving me wild". This song is about every ended relationship. When I was young I used to pretend it didn't matter to me when I stopped seeing a girl. Nowadays I really don't give a fuck, but how come the major relationships I have had keep coming back to haunt me?
I Drove All Night - Have you ever done it? Have you ever travelled a distance to tell a girl how you felt. Doesn't matter if she lives across town or in another continent. There is this feeling you get when you do it, like hey, I am putting it on the line, taking control of my situation. Doesn't matter if you get there and she isn't interested. Every man should risk looking stupid to express his feelings at least once in his life.
I Would Die 4 U - Prince never got better than on Purple Rain and 1999 if you ask me, although Sign 'o' The Times was good. This is a song about loving someone too much, but how much is too much? Good rule of thumb is if she takes out a restraining order, it's too much.
If You Were Here Tonight - The Italian loved this song by Alexander O'Neal. Nothing works out the way you plan it in my dysfunctional world. I guess if I am honest, I would have liked things to be different but I can't really see how things would have worked out if I had been more conventional.
Always On My Mind - "Maybe I didn't love you quite as often as I could, Little things I could have said and did - but I never took the time". This song kind of sums up all my relationships with women.
In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
My Life As A Dog
Today's P&L: Still out of the markets today
Today's Booze: 1 bottle of Stolichyna vodka
Today's Soundtrack: Music to chase bones to
So Ireland took the bail out, what a surprise, it couldn't be any other way. Initially there was some misguided strength on the Euro, but the market attention has switched to Spain already. With the yield rising to two point four percent over Bunds. That means that you receive two and a half percent interest over German bonds if you buy Spanish, of course because bond yields are inverse to prices an increase in yield means a decrease in price. It's nothing heavy yet, Ireland was up to at least eight percent over Bunds before the bail out but this is how it always starts so start preparing for a bail out for Spain. Europe can not afford this but sentiment is building and, much in the same way as if you live by the sword you die by it, if you depend on foreign investment to keep your economies alive you die when it is withdrawn. Spain has a huge potential market in South America and a exceptionally high academic standards but with twenty percent unemployment? The Euro seems to me like a dead duck. I was working at Bank of America on its official launch and doubted it then , many of my colleagues said "you will die before the Euro does", which seemed likely but I now firmly believe the Euro, as it is now, will split up before I die.
Didn't need to book an appointment to see the doctor, instead I received a request from her. Its never a good sign when they write "we need to talk to you" and put need in bold. If that wasn't bad enough the Stalker wants to meet me directly afterwards - how much good news in one day can a guy take? I know what the Stalker is going to say. She has a bulldozer approach to our relationship and just tends to ignore any small roadblocks like my objections, this comes because she genuinely believes she knows what is best for me. The first time we were together she was very inexperienced and in the intervening twenty years or so, by all accounts she has had one serious relationship but I imagine she was very much in control of him. So while I can no longer boss her around, she finds it very hard to bully me although that doesn't stop her trying. She was always a bit fiery but its got worse. We seem to spend all our time either hating each other or having sex, time in between is like one of those uncomfortable silences. Still if it was easy, it wouldn't be any fun.
Today's music, my top five tracks:
Dirty Old Town - The Pogues rather than Rod. "I met my love, by the gas work walls". Every time I used to come to London, the first thing I used to do was to find a Thameside pub and get a drink. Not at Windsor or Richmond, down by Greenwich or further, near Woolwich, where it isn't beautiful. I always travel light so it was no hardship.
Hounds Of Love - I guess, I have a thing about Kate Bush, she lives very near where I am now but you never see her. She is a bit of a recluse so my images of her are all from videos and record covers. Her picture on the front of The Dreaming appeals to me hugely. I have written about this song in the past, to me it is all about fear and taking your chances. It could be about love or it could be about work but life is all about chances. I am no guru but I have learned about missed opportunities. Now all I have to do is learn the other things that make me a regular person.
Move To Memphis - A-ha, Memorial Beach was an unloved record, but I rather liked it. This was my favourite song. To me its all about striking out on your own, leaving the past behind. When I left home it was a choice but before that, up until I was thirteen I had a safe normal life, then there was a few years of being put in situations I had no control over. That may explain a lot of my questionable decisions since then. Memphis, may not sound exotic to most people but to me, maybe its the Elvis connection, its a journey, Elvis was at his most credible in Memphis, before the bloat of Hollywood and Vegas. We all have our own Memphis. It's after that we lose our way.
Wishing I Was Lucky - Wet Wet Wet, not sure if they had any success overseas. Their debut album was great, despite the singers annoying grin, (mind you, if you have good teeth in Glasgow - you show them off). This song was very popular with people of my age who desired to work in the city - the lyrics were painfully obvious. Getting a job means entering the real world. I was on a very limited time scale when I got my first job, in fact if I had two more weeks without work, I would have been on the streets and the small room I was renting wasn't much better. Since then I been in a similar situation twice. Before all the security checks a good tip, if you were really in a bad way and had flown enough you could get a first or business class ticket at Heathrow, hit the lounge, eat, sleep, get some booze and have a shower and as long as you cancelled a half hour before the flight left, get out. I know that sounds dishonest but sometimes you have to do what you have to do and its better than sleeping in a public toilet or on the Heathrow tube. Anyway the ticket always goes on standby, so its best to use London to New York.
Sunshine - By Gabrielle, another song I keep coming back to. OK, this song shows appreciation for another person. Something I have never been able to bring myself to do. Its a great song though, worth listening to any time you feel down, Guess it would be nice to have that kind of support. I never really experienced that, it seems my whole life has been about my not fulfilling my potential or letting others down. Nowadays, I rarely seek recognition from other people.
In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
Today's Booze: 1 bottle of Stolichyna vodka
Today's Soundtrack: Music to chase bones to
So Ireland took the bail out, what a surprise, it couldn't be any other way. Initially there was some misguided strength on the Euro, but the market attention has switched to Spain already. With the yield rising to two point four percent over Bunds. That means that you receive two and a half percent interest over German bonds if you buy Spanish, of course because bond yields are inverse to prices an increase in yield means a decrease in price. It's nothing heavy yet, Ireland was up to at least eight percent over Bunds before the bail out but this is how it always starts so start preparing for a bail out for Spain. Europe can not afford this but sentiment is building and, much in the same way as if you live by the sword you die by it, if you depend on foreign investment to keep your economies alive you die when it is withdrawn. Spain has a huge potential market in South America and a exceptionally high academic standards but with twenty percent unemployment? The Euro seems to me like a dead duck. I was working at Bank of America on its official launch and doubted it then , many of my colleagues said "you will die before the Euro does", which seemed likely but I now firmly believe the Euro, as it is now, will split up before I die.
Didn't need to book an appointment to see the doctor, instead I received a request from her. Its never a good sign when they write "we need to talk to you" and put need in bold. If that wasn't bad enough the Stalker wants to meet me directly afterwards - how much good news in one day can a guy take? I know what the Stalker is going to say. She has a bulldozer approach to our relationship and just tends to ignore any small roadblocks like my objections, this comes because she genuinely believes she knows what is best for me. The first time we were together she was very inexperienced and in the intervening twenty years or so, by all accounts she has had one serious relationship but I imagine she was very much in control of him. So while I can no longer boss her around, she finds it very hard to bully me although that doesn't stop her trying. She was always a bit fiery but its got worse. We seem to spend all our time either hating each other or having sex, time in between is like one of those uncomfortable silences. Still if it was easy, it wouldn't be any fun.
Today's music, my top five tracks:
Dirty Old Town - The Pogues rather than Rod. "I met my love, by the gas work walls". Every time I used to come to London, the first thing I used to do was to find a Thameside pub and get a drink. Not at Windsor or Richmond, down by Greenwich or further, near Woolwich, where it isn't beautiful. I always travel light so it was no hardship.
Hounds Of Love - I guess, I have a thing about Kate Bush, she lives very near where I am now but you never see her. She is a bit of a recluse so my images of her are all from videos and record covers. Her picture on the front of The Dreaming appeals to me hugely. I have written about this song in the past, to me it is all about fear and taking your chances. It could be about love or it could be about work but life is all about chances. I am no guru but I have learned about missed opportunities. Now all I have to do is learn the other things that make me a regular person.
Move To Memphis - A-ha, Memorial Beach was an unloved record, but I rather liked it. This was my favourite song. To me its all about striking out on your own, leaving the past behind. When I left home it was a choice but before that, up until I was thirteen I had a safe normal life, then there was a few years of being put in situations I had no control over. That may explain a lot of my questionable decisions since then. Memphis, may not sound exotic to most people but to me, maybe its the Elvis connection, its a journey, Elvis was at his most credible in Memphis, before the bloat of Hollywood and Vegas. We all have our own Memphis. It's after that we lose our way.
Wishing I Was Lucky - Wet Wet Wet, not sure if they had any success overseas. Their debut album was great, despite the singers annoying grin, (mind you, if you have good teeth in Glasgow - you show them off). This song was very popular with people of my age who desired to work in the city - the lyrics were painfully obvious. Getting a job means entering the real world. I was on a very limited time scale when I got my first job, in fact if I had two more weeks without work, I would have been on the streets and the small room I was renting wasn't much better. Since then I been in a similar situation twice. Before all the security checks a good tip, if you were really in a bad way and had flown enough you could get a first or business class ticket at Heathrow, hit the lounge, eat, sleep, get some booze and have a shower and as long as you cancelled a half hour before the flight left, get out. I know that sounds dishonest but sometimes you have to do what you have to do and its better than sleeping in a public toilet or on the Heathrow tube. Anyway the ticket always goes on standby, so its best to use London to New York.
Sunshine - By Gabrielle, another song I keep coming back to. OK, this song shows appreciation for another person. Something I have never been able to bring myself to do. Its a great song though, worth listening to any time you feel down, Guess it would be nice to have that kind of support. I never really experienced that, it seems my whole life has been about my not fulfilling my potential or letting others down. Nowadays, I rarely seek recognition from other people.
In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
Monday, 15 November 2010
The Bear Necessities

Today's P&L: Out of the markets today
Today's Booze: 1 bottle of Morgan Spiced Rum
Today's Soundtrack: Music to wish your life away to
Didn't trade today, I am waiting to see what happens with the Irish debt situation. It's clear that the Euro elite are not too concerned about what happens to the Irish but they are worried about contagion. If Ireland defaults instead of taking aid then it is Portugal and Spain next. The markets in America, which set the tone for Asia and Europe, went nowhere although the dollar firmed as the rating agencies blustered that debt and deficits in the US won't affect its AAA rating. They would say that as a downgrade would have serious implications on their business.
There was some program on the television the other night that said that the amount of the UK economy that is public sector is now fifty four percent against forty six percent private. In, nominally communist, China the percentage of the economy under public control is about twenty seven percent. It is impossible to run a sustainable, dynamic economy with so much government interference.
I still haven't heard from the Stalker, guess she finally took my advice and found someone better for herself. I can't be too glum about it, I am not exactly good boyfriend material. I'll probably make an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow against my better instincts. I pretty much know there isn't much that can be done with my dodgy joints but I can at least find out if there are any pain killers I can take that won't affect my liver. I suppose I am just going to have to accept that I must be more careful and not keep throwing myself around.
Today's music, my top five tracks:
Communique - Always love a bit of Dire Straits. "Maybe he could talk about the tricks of the trade, Maybe he could talk about himself, Maybe he could talk about the money that he made, Maybe he'd be saying something else". I always thought I was pretty good at communicating with people, maybe not. Mind you who is really interested in listening to other people these days. So many voices trying to get heard, so many people who have something to say. No wonder people blot it all out.
The End Of The Innocence - Don Henley maybe a bit preachy, but he has written some really good music. I know this song has a lot of social and political commentary specific to America, but the sentiment is universal. I guess these is a point for all of us when we no longer believe in utopia.
You Might Need Somebody - I always have time for Randy Crawford as well. This song is so nice, even though I enjoy being alone, well y'know, maybe I will need someone some day.
Emily - Hot Chocolate, was a big UK seventies soul band, like ABBA they have long been regarded as a bit of a joke, despite some slick song writing and some smooth vocals. I blame the movie industry, this band will be forever linked with the film "The Full Monty". Emily is a song about a woman who dreamed of being a star and when she realised it was never going to happen committed suicide. There is one part in this song where he sings something about when she was at school and said she would be a movie star nobody laughed. I was a bit like that at school I remember dating this hot Indian girl in the year above me in the sixth form and asking her what she would do when she left school, she said what about you and I just said "My band will be famous by then" and she acted like I had just said I would get a job in a shop and said yes, I know.
No More Lonely Nights - Paul McCartney is an interesting character to me. He is so kitsch, but most of my favourite Beatles songs have him stamped all over them, especially Eleanor Rigby and Penny Lane. At the same time he is always associated with Lennon, (I mean he did some good stuff afterwards but the Beatles are kind of a hard act to top). He has developed this knack of appearing like the cheeky scouser you might bump into down the pub but there is no doubt he is a seriously assertive and private star. I remember having a conversation with someone who had met him and he said Paul has a very carefully crafted image but he is relentless in business and a lot tougher than you would think. No more lonely nights is a song, to me, about love with someone you shouldn't love.
In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Who's Going To Pay Attention To Your Dream
Today's P&L: GBP 90.00
Today's Booze: 1 litre of Smirnoff Red Vodka
Today's Soundtrack: Music to miss people to
Little trading done today, I know I am out of the loop somehow, so its best to stay out of the game until I can gain a firmer understanding although that goes against my reckless instincts. Ireland looks like it is going to have to call in the IMF, which by all reasoning should have a negative impact on the Euro, however the relentless supply of money in America is continuing to put the dollar under pressure. These markets are very thin just now and a huge downturn feels like it could happen any time but, having said that, we are now in the Christmas run up and people are reluctant to trade. It is almost inconceivable to me that a European nation like Ireland would be so close to default and the markets are failing to react. For Ireland it is just the end of an lucky ride they made the most of while it lasted, but going from three or four percent unemployment to nineteen percent in eighteen months must be devastating to any economy. The Irish will survive, U2 will eventually complete their skyscraper in Dublin but their plight shows an inherent weakness, not only in the ill-conceived Euro but in the global financial system. Nobody, including me, seems to have the answer.
I am feeling a little down right now - not sure why, I have hurt my knee quite badly and probably need surgery on it, but I shan't go to the hospital unless absolutely necessary. If they need to operate, it means at least a ten day stay. If its on my legs it usually ends up around a month. The stalker is staying clear just now - maybe because I am broke and she just cleared a million pounds on the sale of her Notting Hill flat. Don't know why she thinks it means anything to me, I have never asked her for money once in our troubled relationships, In fact when I first went out with her I didn't even know she was wealthy. I don't know why this gloom is surrounding me right now, I just feel something bad is going to happen to me. I was thinking about how I ended up like this the other night, its not as if I planned it in fact I never planned anything in my life. My biggest problem has always been lack of urgency, I never felt that I had to try too hard or rush anything. It always seemed that there would be more time. Now, all of a sudden it seems time is running out and every second seems like an unbearable loss. It doesn't help that my brother and his family are moving further away from London, I rarely see him as it is. Everyone who knows us thinks we are joined at the hip but over the last fifteen years, I have seen him about twenty times. We are close though. I have another brother as well but I never see him, we are not friends.
Today's music, my top five tracks:
True Colours - Cyndi Lauper is quite an underrated performer. This song is very simple and very beautiful. I guess this song is about showing your emotions, something that has never been that easy for me, (which is why I kind of use this blog as a place to show my feelings).
The Crying Game - Doesn't matter if it's Brenda Lee of Boy George, this is a great song. It is quite melancholic, but then again unrequited love usually is. I suppose I have been with lots of women who wanted me to be more serious with them, but maybe its just not in my character. Anyway, from the few I have heard from post relationship, they have all done just fine without me.
Echo Beach - I was listening a lot to the Gabriella Cilme version but, it can't match the original Martha and the Muffins song. I was wondering why the original low budget version with its cheap production sounded so much better. I think the remake is too much in your face, too upfront. The original has a sense of distance which fits in with the songs theme of longing - wishing you were in a better place. This is one of those songs that I have to listen to on a fairly regular basis, if I don't I just feel bad and I am not sure why.
I Can't Stand The Rain - I love the sequences running through this song, reminds me of how beautiful the rain is, When I lived in Bangkok and Indonesia I used to love it when it rained, it seemed like the city was clean for just a while. The road outside my apartment in Thailand always flooded to at least waist height and the young Thai kids would laugh at me trying to get home but also trying to avoid the flooded sewers. Tropical rainstorms are so much like life, no point trying to shield yourself from the rain, you are going to get drenched no matter what.
Lay Your Hands On Me - The Thompson Twins, I must have been about fourteen when this came out, I guess its about a guy finding salvation from his lover. For me it is a song about how weary life gets, that whole "when it almost seems too much" thing. Maybe its just because I'm feeling down, but hey, its not like I haven't been here before. I have done that whole gun against the head thing late at night.
In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
Today's Booze: 1 litre of Smirnoff Red Vodka
Today's Soundtrack: Music to miss people to
Little trading done today, I know I am out of the loop somehow, so its best to stay out of the game until I can gain a firmer understanding although that goes against my reckless instincts. Ireland looks like it is going to have to call in the IMF, which by all reasoning should have a negative impact on the Euro, however the relentless supply of money in America is continuing to put the dollar under pressure. These markets are very thin just now and a huge downturn feels like it could happen any time but, having said that, we are now in the Christmas run up and people are reluctant to trade. It is almost inconceivable to me that a European nation like Ireland would be so close to default and the markets are failing to react. For Ireland it is just the end of an lucky ride they made the most of while it lasted, but going from three or four percent unemployment to nineteen percent in eighteen months must be devastating to any economy. The Irish will survive, U2 will eventually complete their skyscraper in Dublin but their plight shows an inherent weakness, not only in the ill-conceived Euro but in the global financial system. Nobody, including me, seems to have the answer.
I am feeling a little down right now - not sure why, I have hurt my knee quite badly and probably need surgery on it, but I shan't go to the hospital unless absolutely necessary. If they need to operate, it means at least a ten day stay. If its on my legs it usually ends up around a month. The stalker is staying clear just now - maybe because I am broke and she just cleared a million pounds on the sale of her Notting Hill flat. Don't know why she thinks it means anything to me, I have never asked her for money once in our troubled relationships, In fact when I first went out with her I didn't even know she was wealthy. I don't know why this gloom is surrounding me right now, I just feel something bad is going to happen to me. I was thinking about how I ended up like this the other night, its not as if I planned it in fact I never planned anything in my life. My biggest problem has always been lack of urgency, I never felt that I had to try too hard or rush anything. It always seemed that there would be more time. Now, all of a sudden it seems time is running out and every second seems like an unbearable loss. It doesn't help that my brother and his family are moving further away from London, I rarely see him as it is. Everyone who knows us thinks we are joined at the hip but over the last fifteen years, I have seen him about twenty times. We are close though. I have another brother as well but I never see him, we are not friends.
Today's music, my top five tracks:
True Colours - Cyndi Lauper is quite an underrated performer. This song is very simple and very beautiful. I guess this song is about showing your emotions, something that has never been that easy for me, (which is why I kind of use this blog as a place to show my feelings).
The Crying Game - Doesn't matter if it's Brenda Lee of Boy George, this is a great song. It is quite melancholic, but then again unrequited love usually is. I suppose I have been with lots of women who wanted me to be more serious with them, but maybe its just not in my character. Anyway, from the few I have heard from post relationship, they have all done just fine without me.
Echo Beach - I was listening a lot to the Gabriella Cilme version but, it can't match the original Martha and the Muffins song. I was wondering why the original low budget version with its cheap production sounded so much better. I think the remake is too much in your face, too upfront. The original has a sense of distance which fits in with the songs theme of longing - wishing you were in a better place. This is one of those songs that I have to listen to on a fairly regular basis, if I don't I just feel bad and I am not sure why.
I Can't Stand The Rain - I love the sequences running through this song, reminds me of how beautiful the rain is, When I lived in Bangkok and Indonesia I used to love it when it rained, it seemed like the city was clean for just a while. The road outside my apartment in Thailand always flooded to at least waist height and the young Thai kids would laugh at me trying to get home but also trying to avoid the flooded sewers. Tropical rainstorms are so much like life, no point trying to shield yourself from the rain, you are going to get drenched no matter what.
Lay Your Hands On Me - The Thompson Twins, I must have been about fourteen when this came out, I guess its about a guy finding salvation from his lover. For me it is a song about how weary life gets, that whole "when it almost seems too much" thing. Maybe its just because I'm feeling down, but hey, its not like I haven't been here before. I have done that whole gun against the head thing late at night.
In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Communication Breakdown
Fridays P&L: GBP -130.00
Fridays Booze: 2 litres of Dry Cider, 1 litre of Stolichnaya Vodka
Fridays Soundtrack: Music to burn bridges to
The stock markets loved the Fed's plan to purchase all those securities, OK the dollar took a dive but Bernanke clearly wants to inflate away US debt so that's fine, personally I think in a post-industrial economy a strong currency is a benefit. Anyway analysts and traders are already talking about quantitative easing three! Its probably easier to view the American economy as a patient in a coma on life support in a rather fancy hospital paid for by the Chinese - how much longer do they continue to foot the bill before telling the doctor to switch off life support? The UK has its own problems which seem equally insurmountable. The inept coalition seems clueless as to what to do. but in a way that's strangely comforting. Britain has a long tradition of, frankly, useless politicians. As a former banker I suppose its no surprise that I don't blame the finance industry for the current situation, although the eventual levels of greed were shocking even to me. Top level traders began to view themselves and were compensated like superstar athletes. It should be recognized, though, that all traders signed contracts which detail pay quite specifically. Anyway there are or at least should be plenty of regulators, both in-house and externally to have stopped the wilder excesses. If any ones interested I blame Greenspan and Bernanke and Summers as the primary cause. They can claim they were not responsible for the attitude of excess, but the loose monetary policy directly caused this.
I knew it was a bad idea to reply to the Lunatic ex, She asked me a few questions that were worded in her usual nonchalant manner. So I replied in what I thought was the run of a normal conversation. Clearly I didn't give her the right answer when she asked if I thought we would ever see each other again. I then got a few rather threatening emails for my trouble. At least for once, I wasn't dumb enough to give her any contact details or my phone number and she is on the other side of the world. Unfortunately the Stalker has some business to take care of in Jakarta and will be going there in the very near future, which is far too close for my liking. If I had my way I wouldn't have these two women in the same hemisphere.
Yesterday's music, my top five tracks:
I Was Right And You Were Wrong - Good old Deacon Blue. I am the kind of person who has to say I was right to women, even if I know I am wrong.
Play Dead - Still my favourite song from Bjork, not exactly a feel-good song.
It Doesn't Matter - Alison Krauss, This is quite a simple song but full of emotion. The singer has a great voice. When I hear this song I think of the Italian girl and some very specific regrets, even though it was recorded long after I knew her.
Fuck It - I used to drink in this seriously dodgy bar in Bangkok, the girls at the bar loved this song. I don't think they really understood what perspective the song was from but they certainly appreciated the sentiment. I love drinking in sleazy bars, which the Stalker has always found infuriating. It isn't the available women, its been a long time since that was a novelty to me. I have a soft spot for hookers, after all, who doesn't like a bruised angel. I admire their resilience, its not something I would do for a living but I am not qualified to judge anyone.
Don't Talk Old To Me - Who would have thought that Alice Cooper would become so establishment? This is a song from his wilderness years in the eighties, but Alice still has his sneer. It's an anti establishment, anti growing-up song, so I love it.
In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
Fridays Booze: 2 litres of Dry Cider, 1 litre of Stolichnaya Vodka
Fridays Soundtrack: Music to burn bridges to
The stock markets loved the Fed's plan to purchase all those securities, OK the dollar took a dive but Bernanke clearly wants to inflate away US debt so that's fine, personally I think in a post-industrial economy a strong currency is a benefit. Anyway analysts and traders are already talking about quantitative easing three! Its probably easier to view the American economy as a patient in a coma on life support in a rather fancy hospital paid for by the Chinese - how much longer do they continue to foot the bill before telling the doctor to switch off life support? The UK has its own problems which seem equally insurmountable. The inept coalition seems clueless as to what to do. but in a way that's strangely comforting. Britain has a long tradition of, frankly, useless politicians. As a former banker I suppose its no surprise that I don't blame the finance industry for the current situation, although the eventual levels of greed were shocking even to me. Top level traders began to view themselves and were compensated like superstar athletes. It should be recognized, though, that all traders signed contracts which detail pay quite specifically. Anyway there are or at least should be plenty of regulators, both in-house and externally to have stopped the wilder excesses. If any ones interested I blame Greenspan and Bernanke and Summers as the primary cause. They can claim they were not responsible for the attitude of excess, but the loose monetary policy directly caused this.
I knew it was a bad idea to reply to the Lunatic ex, She asked me a few questions that were worded in her usual nonchalant manner. So I replied in what I thought was the run of a normal conversation. Clearly I didn't give her the right answer when she asked if I thought we would ever see each other again. I then got a few rather threatening emails for my trouble. At least for once, I wasn't dumb enough to give her any contact details or my phone number and she is on the other side of the world. Unfortunately the Stalker has some business to take care of in Jakarta and will be going there in the very near future, which is far too close for my liking. If I had my way I wouldn't have these two women in the same hemisphere.
Yesterday's music, my top five tracks:
I Was Right And You Were Wrong - Good old Deacon Blue. I am the kind of person who has to say I was right to women, even if I know I am wrong.
Play Dead - Still my favourite song from Bjork, not exactly a feel-good song.
It Doesn't Matter - Alison Krauss, This is quite a simple song but full of emotion. The singer has a great voice. When I hear this song I think of the Italian girl and some very specific regrets, even though it was recorded long after I knew her.
Fuck It - I used to drink in this seriously dodgy bar in Bangkok, the girls at the bar loved this song. I don't think they really understood what perspective the song was from but they certainly appreciated the sentiment. I love drinking in sleazy bars, which the Stalker has always found infuriating. It isn't the available women, its been a long time since that was a novelty to me. I have a soft spot for hookers, after all, who doesn't like a bruised angel. I admire their resilience, its not something I would do for a living but I am not qualified to judge anyone.
Don't Talk Old To Me - Who would have thought that Alice Cooper would become so establishment? This is a song from his wilderness years in the eighties, but Alice still has his sneer. It's an anti establishment, anti growing-up song, so I love it.
In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Diamond Dogs
Yesterdays P&L: GBP -90.00
Yesterdays Booze: 1 bottle of Smirnoff, 1 bottle of Australian red wine
Yesterdays Soundtrack: Music to watch cars go by
So the American mid-term elections were a little unkind to Obama. What is his approval rating now forty percent? Less? I am not sure what people expected of him but it is clear that the problems affecting America are far more significant than he and his team are equipped to deal with. The Fed surprised nobody by announcing plans to purchase up to six hundred billion in US securities to try and lower borrowing costs or, more likely, to stimulate inflation. Meanwhile analysts speculated that the flotation of GM may result in a billion dollar loss for the US government and in addition GM stands to benefit from a tax break of up to forty five billion dollars. Of course it is unlikely to protect GM from future competition. America, unless it declares a one hundred percent import tax on cars will have to accept its days as the industrial superpower are over. The mantra for American politicians has been that America continues to reinvent itself and becomes the leader in new industries. I suppose a good example is Solyndra, a US based manufacturer of solar panels that benefited from a half a billion dollars in loan guarantees following a visit from Obama has decided to freeze hiring in the US and shutter one of its existing factories to open a new production facility in Wuhan, China.
Seems to me America has so many of the problems that UK industry experienced, primarily financiers coming up with unsound expansion plans, consultants coming up with bizarre procedural changes in order to justify their fees and top heavy administration. My father has a good example of the later when the shipping company he worked for finally bit the dust. He remembers going to the company Head office as his was the last container ship and seeing a few weeping staff in the human resources department. The HR department had previously made almost all his colleagues redundant and given the advice to brighten up and look for new opportunities. My father asked what the problem was and one girl told him they had all been made redundant. He said of course. What do you mean a few of the staff said and my father replied well you are the personnel department, correct? why did you think you would be needed when you just spent the last five years getting rid of all the personnel?
Anyway as expected the additional funds pumped into the market had the anticipated effect and the stock markets soared. Doesn't anyone think things through? Quantitative easing is likely to be viewed retrospectively as one of the biggest mistakes ever. But as long as we avoid addressing the real problems now. It may seem that I am picking on the Americans but it isn't the case. At the end of every shift in power there is a period of immense hardship. I can't think of a seamless shift, I don't see why the decline of America should be any different.
The stalker is off to Switzerland for more medical treatment. Not sure what they do to her in these places, she told me she doesn't get chemo anymore but some stem cell thing. It's quite experimental and not offered by the NHS but they are very interested in the results. I am sure she will be ok - she is pretty tough. Still every time she comes back she looks a little drained. I understand why she hates my nihilistic attitude but she always knew what I was like. Maybe she still remembers me from the first time we went out together, but I was very immature then. I was even a little optimistic. I am not sure why she can't stay away from me. At this point, I have nothing to offer her. The sex is good but that's about it. We have a few things in common, but not enough to justify her overwhelming interest in me.
Yesterday's music, my top five tracks:
True Faith - I remember the first time I heard this song, in a dodgy club in Woolwich. I love the nihilism of the song, but it doesn't sound like a despondent song. The driving beat makes it sound quite upbeat. but the lyrics tell a different story, "My morning sun is the drug that brings me near To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear I used to think the day would never come, that my life would depend on the morning sun".
Old Red Wine - Quite a reflective song. The Who are like wine, the best stuff was made years ago but tastes good even now. Life is kind of like that, you make your fun in the sun and then you end up bottled and corked.
Suburbia - The Pet Shop Boys, these guys were huge when I was a kid. Suburbia is a song about those boring places that aren't the city and aren't the country. The outskirts of London are full of them. One of the greatest cities in the world, but one time when I was in hospital I was talking to a guy about nineteen in the next bed and he had never been into London, (this was about forty minutes by train from Paddington). So many people are just comfortable with what they know.
I Just Don't Know what To Do - Dusty Springfield was a great singer, to me her voice is always tinged with sadness - I get the impression she was rarely happy.
Blue Moon - The Elvis version, OK his voice was swimming in reverb but it's still Elvis. Saw the movie, Nowhere Boy about John Lennon, I loved the bit when he was in the cinema and sat bolt upright watching Elvis at work.
In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
Yesterdays Booze: 1 bottle of Smirnoff, 1 bottle of Australian red wine
Yesterdays Soundtrack: Music to watch cars go by
So the American mid-term elections were a little unkind to Obama. What is his approval rating now forty percent? Less? I am not sure what people expected of him but it is clear that the problems affecting America are far more significant than he and his team are equipped to deal with. The Fed surprised nobody by announcing plans to purchase up to six hundred billion in US securities to try and lower borrowing costs or, more likely, to stimulate inflation. Meanwhile analysts speculated that the flotation of GM may result in a billion dollar loss for the US government and in addition GM stands to benefit from a tax break of up to forty five billion dollars. Of course it is unlikely to protect GM from future competition. America, unless it declares a one hundred percent import tax on cars will have to accept its days as the industrial superpower are over. The mantra for American politicians has been that America continues to reinvent itself and becomes the leader in new industries. I suppose a good example is Solyndra, a US based manufacturer of solar panels that benefited from a half a billion dollars in loan guarantees following a visit from Obama has decided to freeze hiring in the US and shutter one of its existing factories to open a new production facility in Wuhan, China.
Seems to me America has so many of the problems that UK industry experienced, primarily financiers coming up with unsound expansion plans, consultants coming up with bizarre procedural changes in order to justify their fees and top heavy administration. My father has a good example of the later when the shipping company he worked for finally bit the dust. He remembers going to the company Head office as his was the last container ship and seeing a few weeping staff in the human resources department. The HR department had previously made almost all his colleagues redundant and given the advice to brighten up and look for new opportunities. My father asked what the problem was and one girl told him they had all been made redundant. He said of course. What do you mean a few of the staff said and my father replied well you are the personnel department, correct? why did you think you would be needed when you just spent the last five years getting rid of all the personnel?
Anyway as expected the additional funds pumped into the market had the anticipated effect and the stock markets soared. Doesn't anyone think things through? Quantitative easing is likely to be viewed retrospectively as one of the biggest mistakes ever. But as long as we avoid addressing the real problems now. It may seem that I am picking on the Americans but it isn't the case. At the end of every shift in power there is a period of immense hardship. I can't think of a seamless shift, I don't see why the decline of America should be any different.
The stalker is off to Switzerland for more medical treatment. Not sure what they do to her in these places, she told me she doesn't get chemo anymore but some stem cell thing. It's quite experimental and not offered by the NHS but they are very interested in the results. I am sure she will be ok - she is pretty tough. Still every time she comes back she looks a little drained. I understand why she hates my nihilistic attitude but she always knew what I was like. Maybe she still remembers me from the first time we went out together, but I was very immature then. I was even a little optimistic. I am not sure why she can't stay away from me. At this point, I have nothing to offer her. The sex is good but that's about it. We have a few things in common, but not enough to justify her overwhelming interest in me.
Yesterday's music, my top five tracks:
True Faith - I remember the first time I heard this song, in a dodgy club in Woolwich. I love the nihilism of the song, but it doesn't sound like a despondent song. The driving beat makes it sound quite upbeat. but the lyrics tell a different story, "My morning sun is the drug that brings me near To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear I used to think the day would never come, that my life would depend on the morning sun".
Old Red Wine - Quite a reflective song. The Who are like wine, the best stuff was made years ago but tastes good even now. Life is kind of like that, you make your fun in the sun and then you end up bottled and corked.
Suburbia - The Pet Shop Boys, these guys were huge when I was a kid. Suburbia is a song about those boring places that aren't the city and aren't the country. The outskirts of London are full of them. One of the greatest cities in the world, but one time when I was in hospital I was talking to a guy about nineteen in the next bed and he had never been into London, (this was about forty minutes by train from Paddington). So many people are just comfortable with what they know.
I Just Don't Know what To Do - Dusty Springfield was a great singer, to me her voice is always tinged with sadness - I get the impression she was rarely happy.
Blue Moon - The Elvis version, OK his voice was swimming in reverb but it's still Elvis. Saw the movie, Nowhere Boy about John Lennon, I loved the bit when he was in the cinema and sat bolt upright watching Elvis at work.
In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
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