Today's P&L: Out of the markets today
Today's Booze: 1 bottle of Morgan Spiced Rum
Today's Soundtrack: Music to wish your life away to
Didn't trade today, I am waiting to see what happens with the Irish debt situation. It's clear that the Euro elite are not too concerned about what happens to the Irish but they are worried about contagion. If Ireland defaults instead of taking aid then it is Portugal and Spain next. The markets in America, which set the tone for Asia and Europe, went nowhere although the dollar firmed as the rating agencies blustered that debt and deficits in the US won't affect its AAA rating. They would say that as a downgrade would have serious implications on their business.
There was some program on the television the other night that said that the amount of the UK economy that is public sector is now fifty four percent against forty six percent private. In, nominally communist, China the percentage of the economy under public control is about twenty seven percent. It is impossible to run a sustainable, dynamic economy with so much government interference.
I still haven't heard from the Stalker, guess she finally took my advice and found someone better for herself. I can't be too glum about it, I am not exactly good boyfriend material. I'll probably make an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow against my better instincts. I pretty much know there isn't much that can be done with my dodgy joints but I can at least find out if there are any pain killers I can take that won't affect my liver. I suppose I am just going to have to accept that I must be more careful and not keep throwing myself around.
Today's music, my top five tracks:
Communique - Always love a bit of Dire Straits. "Maybe he could talk about the tricks of the trade, Maybe he could talk about himself, Maybe he could talk about the money that he made, Maybe he'd be saying something else". I always thought I was pretty good at communicating with people, maybe not. Mind you who is really interested in listening to other people these days. So many voices trying to get heard, so many people who have something to say. No wonder people blot it all out.
The End Of The Innocence - Don Henley maybe a bit preachy, but he has written some really good music. I know this song has a lot of social and political commentary specific to America, but the sentiment is universal. I guess these is a point for all of us when we no longer believe in utopia.
You Might Need Somebody - I always have time for Randy Crawford as well. This song is so nice, even though I enjoy being alone, well y'know, maybe I will need someone some day.
Emily - Hot Chocolate, was a big UK seventies soul band, like ABBA they have long been regarded as a bit of a joke, despite some slick song writing and some smooth vocals. I blame the movie industry, this band will be forever linked with the film "The Full Monty". Emily is a song about a woman who dreamed of being a star and when she realised it was never going to happen committed suicide. There is one part in this song where he sings something about when she was at school and said she would be a movie star nobody laughed. I was a bit like that at school I remember dating this hot Indian girl in the year above me in the sixth form and asking her what she would do when she left school, she said what about you and I just said "My band will be famous by then" and she acted like I had just said I would get a job in a shop and said yes, I know.
No More Lonely Nights - Paul McCartney is an interesting character to me. He is so kitsch, but most of my favourite Beatles songs have him stamped all over them, especially Eleanor Rigby and Penny Lane. At the same time he is always associated with Lennon, (I mean he did some good stuff afterwards but the Beatles are kind of a hard act to top). He has developed this knack of appearing like the cheeky scouser you might bump into down the pub but there is no doubt he is a seriously assertive and private star. I remember having a conversation with someone who had met him and he said Paul has a very carefully crafted image but he is relentless in business and a lot tougher than you would think. No more lonely nights is a song, to me, about love with someone you shouldn't love.
In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
1 comment:
I like your bear, Toni!
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