Friday 19 March 2010

Killing Yourself To Live

Today's P&L: GBP200.00

Today's Booze: Nothing

Today's Soundtrack: Rock

An odd day today, no real time for trading as I am off to get my dressings changed this afternoon. I am a little worried as the graft site has been oozing a lot of unpleasant fluid. This may be normal, what do I know I am not a doctor. The whole in my leg was packed with some kind of organic seaweed to assist the speed the skin would mesh. Sounds suspiciously like some kind of crap skin treatment they peddle to women, but hey, like Penelope Cruz, I'm worth it.

The markets continue to be tedious, One minute the Germans say hey, we'll bail out Greece, the next it's Merkel saying Euro members should be allowed to withdraw from the currency if necessary and isn't it the job of the IMF to deal with hopeless economies. Funny how we never hear anything from the French when it comes to bail outs. Normally the French are all over anything that has Euro attached to it, but when it comes to putting their hand in their pockets it's all "zoot allors - 'ow can 'elp I have several mistresses to support and a wife with a designer shopping habit. Go see the Germans, they are good with money and anyway they still owe us for those world wars". Still no one can accuse the French of being inconsistent, if it is not in the interests of La Republique they are not interested.

Obama has decided to avoid a trip to Indonesia in order to push through the massive shake-up of the American Health care system. The proposed changes amount to the biggest reform in US taxation in decades. All useless of course, because extending tax contributions to Medicare fails to address the problem that no one actually knows what the cost of medical treatment in the US is. The pharmaceutical companies charge a fee for a drug, which depending on circumstances is partly paid for by health insurance and the insurance companies give a bill to the patient. Nobody actually knows what the price, (or usefulness), of the treatment is or what the insurance company paid for it. Still interesting to see that the proposals include a ten percent tax on indoor tanning services which will raise two point seven billion dollars a year. The main revenue will come from taxes on investment income which may see taxes on capital gains in America reaching twenty five percent. I look forward to a wall of US investment money moving offshore in a similar way to the Euromarkets of the seventies.

I have been considering my life after someone I knew, not a friend but an acquaintance, died yesterday. He was a few years younger than me and slipped into a coma after some bowel disorder which presumably gave him septicemia. anyway he wasn't revived, he wasn't someone who has lived to excess he didn't drink much, never took drugs was engaged to be married in a few months, just a normal guy. His fiancee turned up to the hospital but he was already in a coma - so sad.

By comparison the way I have treated my body and mind is shocking, here are some numbers that apply:

One point eight million - The most money, (cash and liquid assets), in dollars, that I have had at one time.

Three hundred and seventy - More or less, the number of sexual partners I have had.

Forty seven - As far as I know the amount of fractures I have had so far.

Twenty Two - The amount of times I have been tested for STD's. Always been clean, thank God for condoms.

Nine - The number of car accidents I have been in.

Seven - The amount of times I have been shot at or threatened with a Knife.

Six - The number of times I have been knocked unconscious by a physical blow to the head

Five - The amount of times I have been broke,(zero assets, zero cash), although I only declared bankruptcy once.

Four - the number of countries where I have ended up in jail, usually just for drunken stupidity.

Three - The amount of times I have been proposed to by sober women.

Two - The number of times I have been hit by cars

One - The number of times I have been treated for Rabies, (bitten by a monkey in Thailand - bastard).

Music today was just Various rock tunes, according to iTunes the five most popular songs:

Rock Bottom - UFO, a song about how quickly life passes you by.

Black Velvet - Alannah Myles singing about Elvis, or black velvet as they called him back then. Sultry and erotic this song is so good.

Eurasian Eyes - Corey Heart, I have a bit of a thing about Asian women, I wonder if I had married the Stalker, The Lunatic or The Princess would my children have had their almost black eyes or my green eyes?

Blue Gene Vincent - Havana 3am. Not a very well known band but put together by Paul Simonon from The Clash. This song tells the story of Gene Vincent, "had to go and take a race with the devil, take another drink to ease the pain" . Be Bop a LuLa.

Dissapear - INXS, remember when they were the biggest band around? Poor old Hutch. When you have been fairly close to death a few times you start to consider, I really wouldn't want to die in an embarrassing way. Hutch had the plastic bag over his head and the belt around his neck, Elvis died on the toilet. No death is good but a little dignity would be nice. I have taken to carrying around letters from creditors and final demands, with a few tear stains and "I just can't take anymore" scrawled drunkenly across them. Hopefully if I die and no one discovers me for a while the verdict will be suicide due to extreme pressure placed on me by the unfeeling banks.

In case I don't see 'ya...good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!


Unknown said...

Hey Toni, hope things went well with your dressings. I'm sure by the time they're done with you, your leg is going to look just as beautiful as Penelope's. Btw, those are some interesting life statistics you have going on there.
Have a great weekend!

Lifebeginsat30ty said...

I really enjoy your summaries of the economic situation and world politics! You're right that no one here has any idea how much anything costs, re healthcare. If we can get this bill passed, I'm hoping more fixes can be pushed through.

Good luck with the leg! Puss is good, but only if it's yellow. Green or black, go find a doc.

The Girl said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I know that sounds cheesy, but that's all my mind can muster for now. And hey, you may have been right about Mr. Macquarie, the DC car is nowhere to be seen...

Anonymous said...

Toni, You bastard. You've had approximately 365 more sexual partners than me. I think you've lived a hundred lives. Keep on going.
Regards, John.

Toni said...

Don't worry John, if you count the ones I can actually remember or the ones that wouldn't attack me in the streets we are a lot more even.

Kitty Moore said...

Ok, that's three proposals you've had from women. Have you ever proposed? Hope it went well at the hospital! x

Toni said...

Hi Kitty, It went ok at the hospital but my leg is more painful than before. I have never proposed to a girl, only been on the receiving end. I like to think that if I proposed I would do it in some breathtaking manner. What do girls think about that kind of gesture? How did your husband propose to you? look forward to hearing about it either here or in your blog.

Kitty Moore said...

Mark's proposal was very old school - down on one knee clutching a beautiful ring. I was nineteen and madly in love - I would have said yes however he had proposed. How is the leg? Has the pain subsided yet? x

Anonymous said...

Hi Toni,
Hope the leg is improving. Actually seaweed is supposed to be fabulous for healing. My Irish granny used to make us sit in rock pools when we were young (it was bloody freezing but we survived!)with our legs covered in seaweed to help the circulation. We all have great skin and she walked her dogs until she was 90.
On a slightly different tack, could I ask you about pensions?!! I'm an ex pat abroad with a private pension in the UK- I presume I should choose funds that are Asiatic more than anything else? Many thanks for any comments you have. I won't take it as direct advice just as feedback.
Best wishes,
Euro Anon

Toni said...

For all those concerned about my leg thanks. It hurts like hell now but the surgeons who worked on it seem extraordinarily pleased with their work, so I guess that is a good thing. The stalker came round to change the dressing and couldn't understand why i was reluctant to let a women who I had recently split up with near a massive open wound with scissors a scalpel and various bottles of what she said were saline and antibiotics.

EuroAnon, when looking at a pension,and I am in no way qualified to offer advice as my only pension plan is I hope I die before I spend all my money, you must consider the longer term. Having said that, you need to get the highest return and as you correctly surmise Asia Pacific funds are going to give you a better return than European ones. This is true even if, as many people expect, China has a serious economic wobble in the short to medium term. I imagine whoever is advising you or running your plan will ask you to select your risk appetite and if you are interested in higher risks they will steer you towards emerging markets. What you should consider is your view on inflation. If you suspect inflation will return to the world there are only two asset classes that appreciate. Property and equities. So Asian Pacific equities would probably offer you best growth. Property is globally overvalued, apart from in the US, but in the event of a serious property crash it is worth investing afterward in a Real Estate Investment Trust, (REIT). Asian Pacific fixed income is more desirable than European or US fixed income but as I believe inflation is likely to return I would have a higher percentage in Equities than in fixed income, (bonds). Any funds investing in agriculture are appealing to me as the world will always need food.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for your comments, Tony.

Little Miss Angry said...

whoa.. i just read this. 370??really??! your list is scarily amazing.

and how come you've never proposed? never felt that you wanted to?