Thursday 18 February 2010

Feeling Sorry For Myself

Todays P&L: GBP 0.00.

Todays Booze: I'm hurting man...hurting - Do a guy a favour and score me a shot...

Todays Soundtrack: My own howling at the moon and screams of suffering.

Man, I am in pain and have been all week. I suspect I have broken one of the bones in my lower leg, although it may not be broke, my calf muscle is black and has shifted position from the back of my leg towards the inside. The pain is pretty intense although I doubt its any worse than I have had in the past. The key difference is, of course, I am not soused on booze. In the past I would have been way into my third bottle of Vodka by now. Anyway, along with the pain I have a fever so, I haven't been able to trade, which is the only thing that gives me any pleasure these days.

I have been watching the markets on the box however as I have had precious little else to do while lying in my squalor on the sofa, can't even make it up the stairs and have the indignity of crawling to the bathroom. The markets are somewhat bemusing to me right now. Gold didn't drop as much as I had hoped but I managed a small long position at 1,074 dollars. I am concerned that absolutely nothing has happened about the Greek debt situation and the markets continue to open up to risk, pushing the stock markets higher. I saw one pundit on CNBC saying that everyone knows Europe has to bail out Greece, (which is true - otherwise adios Euro), and that what does it matter because it will only cost hundred billion Euros or so. Nice. The recent financial crisis has desensitised us to large amounts of money that they only register if they are in trillions. And to add insult to injury the investment banks seem to have b een involveed in fixing the balance sheets of the European governments with off-balance sheet swaps, disguising the true financial situation of their economic health. For bond investors, (which includes most peoples pension and insurance companies), this means that once again the investment banks are playing with a marked deck. The banks themselves are reporting solid earnings, feeling smug and rewarding theemselves with huge bonuses, of course its easy to make money when your cost of funds is nearly zero.


Anonymous said...

Lord, Toni! Between you and the Greeks, I'm starting to worry. Can you get a doctor to come and look at your leg? Really, you'll need a bit of help if the muscle has gone black.
Get well soon,
Euro Anon

Lifebeginsat30ty said...

What happened to your leg? I find your marketing analyses very insightful. I too feel like it's business as usual. I don't know if any real alterations have been made to the banking industry. It's worrying. Hopefully Obama's new commission can do something!

Kitty Moore said...

I agree with 'Euro Anon' - get that leg seen to pronto! Glad you're posting again - I was starting to worry...

Kitty x

Anonymous said...

Toni, get to the doctor. If need be call an ambulance. Do it. Now.

Jenny DB said...

Go see a doctor for the love of God!!

The Girl said...

Ouch. I'm afraid hugs won't help much this time, will it? Hope you get better soon.

Little Miss Angry said...

i've just been catching up with all your posts. what happened to your leg? and yes, see a doctor! hope its nothing serious!!